Mac Power 1997 December
WASTE Object Handlers 1.2.6.sit
WASTE Object Handlers 1.2.6
Handler Source
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Text File
411 lines
// Sound Object Handler for the WASTE Text Engine
// by Michael F. Kamprath, kamprath@kagi.com
// maintenance by John C. Daub, hsoi@eden.com
// v1.0, 16 March 1995
// v1.0.1, 13 May 1995, changed the sound playing code a little. Also added gestalt
// check for sound recording device when CreateNewSoundObject()
// is called.
// v1.1, 5 June 95, Made some changes recomended by Chris Thomas, <THUNDERONE@delphi.com>:
// - Playing an object's sound is done by ultilizing the object's data
// directly rather than making a copy. Using PlaySoundHandle() for
// your sounds still makes a copy.
// - Added the public routines StopCurrentSound() and IsSoundPlaying().
// - Option to have the sound sound created at the handler's initilization.
// - Added InstallSoundObject() to install sound object handler only.
// v1.2, 28 March 1996. Bug fixes by John C. Daub <mailto:hsoi@eden.com>
// - Removed a not operator from SoundIsPlaying() so the function works correctly
// - Adjusted CheckSoundStatus() to work with the fixed SoundIsPlaying()
// - Minor updates: more precompiler directives, WASTE 1.2a5 compatability
// v1.2.2, 16 July 1996. Added compatability with WASTE 1.2 and CW9
// Restructured installation routines
// v1.2.4, 16 January 1997. Removed the declaration of CreateNewSoundChannel()
// from WE_snd_Handler.h. If this file was compiled with "Activate
// C++ Compiler" turned on (then compiling this C file as C++), there
// would be an error of inconsistent linkage because an 'extern'
// object was then getting redeclared as 'static'. Hopefully this won't
// cause any problems for people.
// v1.2.5, 25 April 1997. Added a gCurrentSound != nil check in CheckSoundStatus() just to be safe
#ifndef _WASTE_
#include "WASTE.h"
#ifndef __GESTALT__
#include <Gestalt.h>
#include "WE_snd_Handler.h"
#include "WASTE_Objects.h"
#ifndef true
#define true 1
#ifndef false
#define false 0
// Local only routines
static OSErr PlayCurrentGlobalSound( void );
static SndChannelPtr CreateNewSoundChannel( void );
// Sound Channel and current playing sound pointers
static SndChannelPtr gSoundChannel = nil;
static SndListHandle gCurrentSound = nil;
static short gCurSoundHandleStatus = 0;
#define kIsWASTESound 0x0100
void InitSoundObjectHandler( void )
gSoundChannel = CreateNewSoundChannel();
OSErr InstallSoundObject( WEReference theWE )
OSErr iErr;
#ifdef __cplusplus
static WENewObjectUPP newSndUPP = NewWENewObjectProc(HandleNewSound);
static WEDisposeObjectUPP disposeSndUPP = NewWEDisposeObjectProc(HandleDisposeSound);
static WEDrawObjectUPP drawSndUPP = NewWEDrawObjectProc(HandleDrawSound);
static WEClickObjectUPP clickSndUPP = NewWEClickObjectProc(HandleClickSound);
static WENewObjectUPP newSndUPP = NULL;
static WEDisposeObjectUPP disposeSndUPP = NULL;
static WEDrawObjectUPP drawSndUPP = NULL;
static WEClickObjectUPP clickSndUPP = NULL;
if ( newSndUPP == NULL )
newSndUPP = NewWENewObjectProc(HandleNewSound);
if ( disposeSndUPP == NULL )
disposeSndUPP = NewWEDisposeObjectProc(HandleDisposeSound);
if ( drawSndUPP == NULL )
drawSndUPP = NewWEDrawObjectProc(HandleDrawSound);
if ( clickSndUPP == NULL )
clickSndUPP = NewWEClickObjectProc(HandleClickSound);
if ( newSndUPP != NULL )
iErr = WEInstallObjectHandler(kTypeSound, weNewHandler, (UniversalProcPtr)newSndUPP, theWE);
iErr = weUnknownObjectTypeErr;
if (iErr) return(iErr);
if ( disposeSndUPP != NULL )
iErr = WEInstallObjectHandler(kTypeSound, weDisposeHandler, (UniversalProcPtr)disposeSndUPP, theWE);
iErr = weUnknownObjectTypeErr;
if (iErr) return(iErr);
if ( drawSndUPP != NULL )
iErr = WEInstallObjectHandler(kTypeSound, weDrawHandler, (UniversalProcPtr)drawSndUPP, theWE);
iErr = weUnknownObjectTypeErr;
if (iErr) return(iErr);
if ( clickSndUPP != NULL )
iErr = WEInstallObjectHandler(kTypeSound, weClickHandler, (UniversalProcPtr)clickSndUPP, theWE);
iErr = weUnknownObjectTypeErr;
if (iErr) return(iErr);
// New Object Handler for sounds
pascal OSErr HandleNewSound(Point *defaultObjectSize,WEObjectReference objectRef)
#pragma unused (objectRef)
(*defaultObjectSize).h = 32;
(*defaultObjectSize).v = 32;
// Dispose Object handler for sounds
pascal OSErr HandleDisposeSound(WEObjectReference objectRef )
SndListHandle theSound;
theSound = (SndListHandle)WEGetObjectDataHandle(objectRef);
if (theSound == gCurrentSound)
// Draw Object handler for sounds
pascal OSErr HandleDrawSound(Rect *destRect, WEObjectReference objectRef )
#pragma unused (objectRef)
OSErr iErr;
iErr = PlotIconID(destRect,atNone,ttNone,kSoundIconID);
return( iErr );
// Click Object Handler for sounds
pascal Boolean HandleClickSound( Point hitPt,
short modifiers,
long clickTime,
WEObjectReference objectRef)
#pragma unused ( hitPt, clickTime)
OSErr iErr;
if (modifiers & 0x0001) // look for double-clicks
iErr = StopCurrentSound();
gCurrentSound = (SndListHandle)WEGetObjectDataHandle( objectRef );
iErr = PlayCurrentGlobalSound();
gCurSoundHandleStatus += kIsWASTESound;
if (!iErr)
// PlaySelectedSound()
// If a sound object, and only a sound object, is selected,
// PlaySelectedSound() will play it.
OSErr PlaySelectedSound( WEReference theWE )
WEObjectReference objectRef;
SndListHandle theSound;
OSErr iErr = noErr;
iErr = WEGetSelectedObject( &objectRef, theWE );
if (!iErr)
theSound = (SndListHandle)WEGetObjectDataHandle( objectRef );
iErr = PlaySoundHandle( theSound );
return( iErr );
// CreateNewSoundObject()
// Uses built in sound recording to create a new sound object.
OSErr CreateNewSoundObject( WEReference theWE )
OSErr iErr;
SndListHandle sndHandle = nil;
long gestaltResponse;
Point corner = {32,32};
iErr = Gestalt(gestaltSoundAttr, &gestaltResponse);
if ( (iErr == noErr)&&(gestaltResponse&gestaltHasSoundInputDevice))
iErr = SndRecord(nil,corner,siGoodQuality,&sndHandle);
if (iErr == noErr)
corner.h = 32;
corner.v = 32;
WEInsertObject( kTypeSound, (Handle)sndHandle, corner, theWE );
return( iErr );
// PlaySoundHandle()
// Ultility routine to play a sound async. Maintains a sound channel
// and the sound data to do so.
// Intended for use by external code.
OSErr PlaySoundHandle( SndListHandle theSound )
OSErr iErr = noErr;
// If a sound is currently playing, stop it and dispose of it's buffer.
iErr = StopCurrentSound();
// create a new buffer for the selected sound.
gCurrentSound = theSound;
iErr = HandToHand((Handle *)&(gCurrentSound));
if (!iErr)
iErr = PlayCurrentGlobalSound();
if (iErr)
// FYI, HLock is called in PlayCurrentGlobalSound()
HUnlock( (Handle)gCurrentSound );
DisposeHandle( (Handle)gCurrentSound );
gCurrentSound = nil;
// PlayCurrentGlobalSound()
// Used locally by the object handler to play the current sound.
static OSErr PlayCurrentGlobalSound( void )
OSErr iErr = noErr;
// check for sound channel
if (!gSoundChannel)
gSoundChannel = CreateNewSoundChannel();
if (gCurrentSound&&gSoundChannel)
// Lock the buffer and play the sound.
gCurSoundHandleStatus = HGetState( (Handle)gCurrentSound );
HLockHi( (Handle)gCurrentSound );
// FYI, gCurrentSound is unlocked and disposed of upon return to
// PlaySoundHandle()
iErr = SndPlay(gSoundChannel,gCurrentSound,true);
// StopCurrentSound()
// Stops the current sound and returns memory to original state.
OSErr StopCurrentSound( void )
SndCommand cmd;
OSErr iErr;
if (gCurrentSound&&gSoundChannel)
cmd.cmd = quietCmd;
iErr = SndDoImmediate(gSoundChannel,&cmd);
HSetState( (Handle)gCurrentSound, (char)(gCurSoundHandleStatus&0x00FF) );
iErr = MemError();
if (iErr) return(iErr);
if (!(gCurSoundHandleStatus&kIsWASTESound))
DisposeHandle( (Handle)gCurrentSound );
gCurrentSound = nil;
gCurSoundHandleStatus = 0;
// CreateNewSoundChannel()
// Used to create a new shound channel.
static SndChannelPtr CreateNewSoundChannel( void )
OSErr iErr;
SndChannelPtr chan;
// allocate a sound channel
chan = (SndChannelPtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(SndChannel));
if ( chan != nil )
chan->qLength = stdQLength; //128 sound commands
iErr = SndNewChannel(&chan, sampledSynth, 0, nil);
if (iErr)
chan = nil;
return(chan); // return SndChannelPtr
// CheckSoundStatus()
// Should be called periodically to dispose of unneeded sound buffers.
void CheckSoundStatus( void )
if ((!SoundIsPlaying()) && (gCurrentSound !=nil))
HSetState( (Handle)gCurrentSound, (char)(gCurSoundHandleStatus&0x00FF) );
if (!gCurSoundHandleStatus&kIsWASTESound)
DisposeHandle( (Handle)gCurrentSound );
gCurrentSound = nil;
gCurSoundHandleStatus = 0;
// SoundIsPlaying()
// Returns true if a sound is being played by the object handler,
// false if not.
Boolean SoundIsPlaying( void )
OSErr iErr;
SCStatus theStatus;
if (gSoundChannel)
iErr = SndChannelStatus(gSoundChannel,sizeof(SCStatus),&theStatus);
if (( theStatus.scChannelBusy )&&(gCurrentSound))
return( true );
return( false );